Shipping Cost
Last Update 01/01/2024
Countries | Cost* | Free |
Belgique [BE] | Bpost Home : 5.00€ | 150€ |
Luxembourg [LU] | Bpost Home : 9.00€ | 200€ |
France [FR] | Bpost Home : 11,50€ | 250€ |
Allemagne [DE] | Bpost Home : 11,50€ | 250€ |
Pays-Bas [NL] | Bpost Home : 9.00€ | 200€ |
Espagne [ES] | Bpost Home : 22.50€ | N/A |
Portugal [PT] | Bpost Home : 24.95€ | N/A |
Autriche [AU] | Bpost Home : 17.50€ | N/A |
Danemark [DK] | Bpost Home : 20.50€ | N/A |
Finlande [FI] | Bpost Home : 23.50€ | N/A |
Norvège [NO] | Bpost Home : 36.00€ | N/A |
Suede [SE] | Bpost Home : 22.50€ | N/A |
Grande Bretagne [GB] | Bpost Home : 16.50€ | N/A |
Hongrie [HU] | Bpost Home : 21.95€ | N/A |
Italie [IT] | Bpost Home : 19.95€ | N/A |
Suisse [CH] | Bpost Home : 29.95€ | N/A |
Etats-Unis d'Amérique [US] | Bpost Home : 29.95€ | N/A |
Japon [JP] | Bpost Home : 50€ | N/A |
* This price may change if the weight or the size of the parcel are to high.